Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

#help you everytime FAQs

There is no return policy for personalised products like the above mentioned in question. the returns are not allowed for these products because these products will be of no use after you design it and we print them.

These products will have return and cancellation policy for 3 days. if the customer don’t like the product quality then they can return within 3 days of order. after that return will not be valid.

There are no delivery charges for all products. all products are available with free delivery on orders above Rs199.

We will try to provide same day delivery to the local customers of fatehpur city. and for other it will be 3-5 days delivery.

All the informations will be secure and will not be misused by us. we don’t get any personal information until the customer purchases the product and fill out the checkout information. Login informations are encrypted and secured and we don’t get any personal information from that.

For the bulk orders of any products. you can kindly contact us with all the information you need. there will be different pricing for wholesale customers. you can contact us and ask for the prices.

Cash on delivery is not available for customised products because there is no surety that the customer is genuine or not and we can’t customise the products for the unknown one. for prepaid orders we are sure that the customer is genuine and order can be processed.
